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Saturday, January 12, 2013

In Good Health

Hard to believe it has been almost 3 months since my last post!  I hope everyone out there is well and am sending my best wishes to you all!

Trying to be my best, truest self has required a lot of internalization and going inside of myself and time to try to figure out.  Today's life is so full...full of good and full of bad.  So many distractions.  So many things to pull us in so many different directions.  Being quiet is a good way to shut that off and get to the heart of what you are really here for.  I'm still not there, but I'm trying.  I have found that pulling away from electronics has helped clear my mind about what is important in my life.  I also find that I miss the connections that are possible with electronic communication, so it is a balance I will continue to try to strike.

One big lesson that has hit me this month has been how grateful I am to have my health.  My whole family has been through some bouts of the flu and feeling at the opposite end of healthy.  When I think about people living with chronic conditions that they face day in and day out, it gives me great appreciation for the health that I have enjoyed in my life.

Gratitude has a way of helping me live in the moment and focus on the things that are important and meaningful to me.

There's a big part of blogging and the whole electronic communication scene that makes me a little uncomfortable and that is the idea of 'followers'.  I love every single one of you, but in my mind, you are 'sharers', 'fellow companions on the journey', 'seekers'....I don't know...anything but what the idea of 'follower' usually conjures up in my head since most of this stuff I babble about is more about me trying to grow and leave a legacy for my children rather than be 'followed'.  But whatever you are called, I'm very grateful that you are here in this space we share!

I hope to post more this year.  I hope to find my focus.  I hope to share positivity and light and gratitude more often than darkness.

My middle son loves to dance.  (Don't we all, really, somewhere inside of ourselves love to dance?)  This month he started back at the place that really grew his love of dance, The Dance Lab, in Moorestown, NJ with an absolutely beautiful teacher, Candace Carriger.

Being there brings joy to my soul.  It is one of those moments in life when you know you are right where you are supposed to be and the time passes leaving you filled up and wanting for more.

I hope you are finding some of these moments in the start of this year and enjoying a piece of peace in your life.

Which brings me to a new blog I'm going to be starting with my family this year as part of our journey as Peace Seekers and members of The Mattie J.T. Stepanek Foundation's Peace Club ( - A place for my family to chronicle our journey with peace.  Of all of the things that are much-needed in our world, peace speaks to me as being at the heart of so many and being the solution to so much. 


1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you writing again, Kate! I, too, will be writing more this year. Having let go of my incredibly arduous teaching position has allowed me to see what truly matters - my little family. The paths we choose to be on are of our own design, I think.
    I will choose peace, as well.
    I look forward to more words from you...
