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Saturday, March 13, 2010

TerraCycle - turn your trash into treasure!

The very best way to eliminate trash is to use less and eliminate it at the source.  But let's face it:  we're not all perfect.  So there are things we throw away that can't be recycled.  But there's a big list of things that can be TerraCycled!  TerraCycle will take your trash and turn it into something useful...and they'll even pay your charitable organization for it!

This year, I started some TerraCycle brigades at our Elementary School.  If you don't want to start a brigade yourself, check with a local school (colleges included) to see if they have a program you could donate to.  

Here's what our school collects:
  • Juice pouches
  • Chip bags
  • Cookie wrappers
  • Energy bar wrappers
  • Yogurt cups
  • Kashi products
  • Huggies wrappers
  • Scott brand wrappers
  • Scotch tape dispensers and rolls
  • Candy bar wrappers
  • Elmer's glue containers
  • Bear Naked granola wrappers
  • Aveeno tubes
  • Neosporin tubes
  • Margarine/spread tubs
Whew!  There are even more brigades available.  You can check it out at .

I'd be willing to bet you have at least one of these items in your house during the course of a month.  If not, way to go - you are doing a great job at waste reduction!  If yes, wouldn't it be great to give your trash another life before it hits the landfill?  You can check out some of the cool things that TerraCycle makes at their website.  In April, they will have lots of their products on sale at WalMart stores across the country.

Our school has raised almost $50 for just a few months worth of trash (much more waiting to be sent in and counted!), but even better, we've saved hundreds of chip bags, hundreds of yogurt cups and almost 2,000 juice pouches from being landfilled.

Start TerraCycling today!!!


  1. I will keep this list on my fridge and save these items to be sent to TerraCycle. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you for the GREAT job you are doing for our school! :O)
